November 18, 2015

Start Your Business

1.Discover the opportunities that suits you 
First you have to determine in advance what enterprises want and what you can do. From the above sentence could we describe as follows:-WantThe effort should be according to their talents and interests. If the business is good, but it does not appeal to you, then you will see all sorts of problems later on. It is usually always the case, and the consequences could be fatal.-CanThe effort indeed is a business that is capable and can do. You must have enoughits capital, in good time, and so forth.

There are a wide variety of business types, namely the production business, buying and selling businesses, business services, or its other businesses. Here are various examples of business as mentioned above: 

1.For example the production of garment enterprises Muslim fashion, crafts, bakery, and others. 
2.For instance pulses mobile phone sales business, stores, and so on. 
3.Business services such as computer consulting, architecture, accounting, landscape, and others. 
4.Business confection business combinations eg Moslem also her shop so, these efforts include the production and the sale. 

As women do we have some to infinity. Usually in terms of time, because the first responsibility of women are taking care of the family, the husband and children. So women need to choose the type of business that can do it, even with all the limitations-to infinity. 

But even so do not assume that women can not be developed, even some women's businesses can be more advanced than a business man or husband. This usually happens when women consider such limitations as part of the challenge, not its obstacle. So do not demoralize, but it sparked his creativityFor beginners like us, we should do business that not many rivals. Or if its existing rivals, we could offer advantages, so there is no reason for customers to choose our efforts.

Do not just be a copycat without any excess is very often ignored by entrepreneurs. And find an opening suitable for your business. There are handicrafts, to be exported abroad. There were started out of school children, school children while waiting on him to trade with other mothers. There also are actually working from home in the English capital and design talent, then became a freelance designer and other Internet sites as his. 

As you've read, this is the important thing. Because of this, make sure first thatThe effort indeed is something that suits you. If you already feel comfortable,then the next we have to examine, whether the business can indeed be profitable.

2. Proposal of business

Believe it or not enough people to do business without first thinking about whether it can be a profitable business or not. Many people who start a business only on the basis of fantasy and without calculation. Although you've really wanted and really need to start a business, hold first.

The time you take to make this business proposal could save you from the trouble in the future."I want to open a business with my own money, why not wear investors. Ngapain mustmake proposals as well? "his Sebetul remain investor here is your own. Obviously you need to know, whether this effort will modali would indeed be beneficial, or it just simply will destroy your money later. 

At a minimum, the following are the things that need to be listed in a business proposal: 
•The need for initial capital 
•Routine expenditure
•Estimated income 
•Business strategy 

Examples of business proposals we can see the following:Business proposal sandwich shop (sandwich) 
1.Business strategyLots of employees who do not have time for breakfast, because of time constraints. The sandwiches are cheap, filling, tastes good, and practically can be eaten while sitting on the bus though. 

Sales-system for the results of net income, to the seller: 30% and 70% to the owner. In the form of a simple kios, in locations that bypassed many people who will go off to work. 
-Estimasi Capital per sandwich: Rp 3000, Selling price: USD 5,000 
-Estimasi Profit per month (income - expenditure) = (Gross profit - costs) = (four million to 660 thousand) = Rp.3.340.000

2.Needs initial capital:-Oven To make baguette (French-style oval bread): Rp.5.000.000-2 Fruit stall @ Rp.3.000.000 = Rp.6.000.000-Persediaan Filling (content) sandwich to 2,000 sandwich = Rp.4.000.000-Promotions: Banners, flyers, business cards: Rp.1.000.000-Total: Rp.16.000.000

3.Monthly charges:-Gas LPG @ Rp.55.000 x 4 = Rp.110.000-Packing Sandwich = 300,000-Saus Tomatoes, chili peppers, mayonnaise, butter = 250,000 (incorporated intomonthly fees because it is hard in the count value for each sandwich)-Total: Rp.660.000, - 

4.Estimasi income:Each kiosk is expected to sell 50 sandwiches per day. If the target market is office workers, then there are 20 working days in a month. Means sales per month per stall is 1,000 sandwich, a total of 2 kiosks = 2000 sandwiches per month.Gross profit:Earnings per sandwich = Rp 2,000Gross profit per month = Rp 2000 x 2000 sandwich = Rp 4,000,000

Description:Key in making business proposal is to be honest with yourself. Especially on the revenue estimate is very easy to be tempted to raise the figures in this section. But do not do it, because it will only complicate your own later. Good business proposal with a fantastic profit figures, but in fact turned out to massive losses.

The next key is information.With sufficient information, then you can create a realistic business proposal. Thus, in its implementation later will not slip too far from what we expect here.
For each business, is different again how to collect the information. In the example of this sandwich business, the revenue estimate. For example, we can pay attention to a business location, and calculate approximately how many employees were passing in that area.

Suppose there are approximately 1,000 people, then later we take a conservative percentage that will be 5% are interested in our sandwiches. Thus, the estimated turnover of 50 pieces didapatlah sandwiches per day. Part of the initial capital and the cost of routine is not too difficult, especially requires precision. Do not let things are missing, so that it becomes an unpleasant surprise after walking efforts.Well, after we write everything in a business proposal, so now we have to have a clearer picture about the business. If we then be sure that this business is to be profitable, then the next we need to find a location for the business.

3. Location 
When asked for tips to open a business, a friend once said, "the location of the two locations and three locations" his answer just the location. For most businesses, the location really is the most important key. In the production business, the location of which many human resources and closer to the sourceproduction of materials will help improve efficiency. 
In the trading business, the exact location can be the difference between success to failure. And the existing services business, the location that is easily reached by the customer can increase your income.

Thus the importance of the location search for this location can be difficult, because the strategic areas usually already occupied. Or into a mall, the cost of rent is also very expensive. But it can also be easy, such as for example if a relationship we are nice and spacious. Then may suddenly just anyone who offers place to you, without the need to search.

If you find that your business does require a good location, so do not ever be tempted to start a business before finding it. Gencarkanlah your efforts to find the ideal location. Hospitality is also very helpful here.

Tip: sometimes we can ride locations. As in the example of this sandwich business, because small stall, then we can ride in the yard minimarket Indomaret / Alfamaret, by paying a monthly rental fee. It tends to be cheaper than we hired specifically to our own efforts.

Ieally it can be 100% of the capital of your own. But this may not always be the case. Often we need additional funds from other investors. To start a business, I would suggest to avoid bank loans, although Islamic banks. 

Even if we are a good business proposal, still try to avoid it; because if it fails, it will be very difficult to reverse. Moreover, bank loans are often misleading. Sometimes we forget, especially if there is no neat bookkeeping, so the thought of money as money of our own bank.As a result, many people are indeed taking the bank's money to buy homes, cars, and objects that are more consumptive again. Besides fooled like that, sometimes we forget to factor in bank interest expense and bank installments. 

Example: at a kiosk, the percentage of the profit is very thin, such as milk, the profit is only about 1% - 2%. Though the price is expensive yes, who would have thought it extraordinary profits thin as it is. If not careful in using a bank loan, we can trouble even just to pay the interest each month.Another alternative is to outside investors.

Usually then made an agreement. If we have made a business proposal as discussed earlier, this could help us to attract investors who fits us. The key here is to akadnya; create a written agreement, and clear. Even(especially) with investors from their own families. As it is often the case that persecution carried out by the family. 
But we often careless, yes it's known, what yes is oppressing his own family would own uh, it turns out, may be you know. And already many cases. So, be careful. Make sure that the agreement will encourage the creation of justice for both sides.

 5. Execution
When everything was ready - so now is the time to implement. You are now inin an executive position, as the executor of this business.This is the time you do all that you have planned for this. 
Some things you need to consider: 

1. Promotion: There is no point you sell goods / services are very useful, withlow prices, if people do not know that you exist.Promotion is a must for every business. However, the promotion of which is inconsequential alsoit can kill a business.For businesses that depend on the location, you need to set aside funds formade a big nameplate and clear.Set aside time / additional funds to create designs that draw the eyethe man who had just passed. There is no point in making a big name board ifnor even just a glance. 

2. The only constant is change - the only thing that is certain is change.In doing business, it is difficult to sit still sit on my hands. Will alwaysemerging new things; new competitors, increase in costs, changes in the market, and the rest of them.Not everything can you expect in a business proposal. Therefore, you shouldalways ready to deal with new issues. 

First of all, you have to be aware ahead of time that there is a problem. Because youcan not solve the problem as far as you do not exist.But sometimes it is we are not aware of the existence of a problem, because wehas been busy (stuck) in the routine.This is where the importance of input from third parties. Routinely, invite friends orbrother for your efforts you view it. And do not forget to thank the topthe inputs they provide. 

Without information from them, then it could have been before I know you have been in the businessthe verge of bankruptcy, and you can only confusion, why this could happen.Second, you must immediately resolve the issue. Delaying the problem isadd to the problem. The problem will not be completed by the delay.Third, just think of this issue as an interesting interlude, in the middlebusiness routines. Then the problems that arise will not make you discouraged,instead it would encourage the emergence of new ideas and a new spirit. 

3. Customer service: The buyer is king, so the adage that we often hear.After serving them with a friendly, kind, and patient; then usually somethe customer will feel comfortable to be frank with you. 
From them you will get the most valuable information for businessesYou are - what are your shortcomings, what are the advantages, what the potential is stillcan be worked / developed.Customer service can also be advantages you from your competitors, whenYour business with them.Give better service - service delivery, items can be made to order, andonwards. 

4.Save: One temptation in business is to dissipate whenholding money rather a lot.All successful entrepreneurs I know are effective.Even though they look rich / wasteful; but in fact it is actually stillincluding saving when compared to income / revenues them. 

Remember that you are just starting your business. Your road is still long. Proverb"No pain, having then" you have to bear in mind.It is difficult to do business? Easy ? Everything back to you. However, with planninggood, then everything could be easier.Congratulations start your business.

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