December 24, 2015

Enterprises Barber

Barber's effort was an attempt ketch-time or sideline. If you have the expertise to cut hair does not hurt you to open a barber (Barbershop) on this one. Barber business opportunities can be developed rapidly if you are serious and supported by an excellent management. Or if you do not have the expertise there is no harm in taking a course and training. This business is very prospective, considering everyone definitely a need for services of a barber and while no one haircut during the same effort you drain the coffers rupiah.

Equipment Barber in Running a Business Babershop

Here, you can provide the chair, scissors, combs, soap, fabric protectors, towels, large glass front and rear, vanity, towel clamps. You can find information about the prices needs barber equipment and supplies in stores equipment in your city. As an illustration, you can make the details of the following charges:

Estimated capital to open a barber:

1. The complete set of tools haircut estimated Rp. 1.000.000, - up to Rp. 2.000.000, -
2. The chair barber least 2 sets is estimated at Rp 1.000.000, - up to Rp 4.000.000, -
3. Place if assumed to rent a price of approximately Rp. 6.000.000, - per year.

Estimated monthly income:

Daily and monthly income to 15 people per day haircut.

1. 15 0rang x Rp 10,000 - Rp 150.000, -
2. Entered month: Rp 150.000, - X 30 days = Rp 4.500.000, -


1. Estimated initial cost: Rp 8,000,000 to Rp. 12,000,000
2. The average monthly income of Rp.
3. The initial cost - Revenue per month (Rp. 8,000,000 - Rp. = Rp. -

So capital estimates will return about 2 months. What if visitors are more than 15 people? To support this equipment can adjust your own. Prices could be lower than what is described above. Another extra is the problem of cleanliness and hygiene must be observed. Do not let ex-trimmed hair messy. Similarly, for scissors or razors other health element note. There may be consumers who do not want to scrape appliance SHARE sort of razor or shaver beard for example, for fear of disease transmission from other consumers.
Various Advantages of Doing Business Barber

Opened a barber (Baber Shop) does have many advantages over other businesses. Here are some of the advantages of doing business barber or babershop.

1. Only one issued capital, to open this business you only spend capital only once, and for the next month you only complement any deficiencies. Because here you sell only services.

2. No word expiration, this effort different from other businesses, diusaha else you familiar with the term kadarlursa and here there is no term. Now that keuntugannya. How would you be interested? And still another bnayak again keuntugan of this business.

Points to consider when opening a business

1. Consider the business premises barbershop

Find a strategic location, if necessary there is a parking lot in front of the barbershop, the minimum for the parking of motor vehicles. Do not forget to also provide a lounge area for customers who queued up waiting to be shaved. You can also equip the room with air conditioning (AC) or fan.

Similarly, you may be able to supplement by selling drinks and snacks. Also provide television or newspapers, magazines, and reading again so that consumers feel at home while being waiting to be cut. The place could be a major selling point for the comfort of your consumers.

2. Provide a satisfactory service

Hair pengkas venture is selling business services, you are required to provide the best service. You can determine the tariff for a haircut. For today's barber services, the average prices of services Rp. 15.000, - per head. Not to mention if there are other services such as the presence barber services for kids or shaving the mustache and beard.

For women, it may be identical to the salon. Where there is also establishing a special haircut for Muslim women are veiled. This determines the segmentation. Similarly, for business haircut children, usually greater rates because the child has difficulty shave other tersendiri.Layanan if you open a barber is a simple scale with the free massages at the barbershop chair when the customer finishes trimmed. It will be worth more. The other thing that is not less important, you have to update the styles hair styles today. Especially for younger children. Do not you just put up the old school era haircut on the wall.

Things to consider when running a business Barber

The first time you run this business, you can do it yourself. If this effort has plasticity started running properly, you can hire an assistant or employee. So that your customers do not line up. Understandably, the hair can be cut almost half an hour more, not to mention if that were trimmed a bit fussy. This will create a domino effect on customer service time on the other. When opening the first attempt, do too promotional. You can distribute leaflets / flyers to the community around your business premises.

For the initial stage, you can do a barber giving a discount rate, for example for the later rates range from Rp. 15,000, at an early stage can be charged Rp. 8,000 to 10,000. Giving time this discount can you give a couple of weeks or a month.

This effort is also a hectic season, for example, when the new school year school children or the eve of Eid or Eid al-Adha. Our society mostly during Lebaran, the appearance should be neat include hair affair. In this situation, your skill and dexterity and employees in the shave must be considered. In fact, not a few customers who were satisfied with the service will be giving a tip for your services. This could add to the coffers of income. How do you tertaik with sideline business opportunities by opening a barber's?
Please try. Greetings success always ..

Business Opportunities Sugar Ants

For the Java community, palm sugar or brown sugar may already be familiar to their ears. Therefore, almost every day a lot of food and drinks produced by using coconut sugar. Even today it can be said the use of palm sugar not only for household scale, but also began to be required as an industrial raw material, call it like the baking industry, soy sauce, and so forth.

In addition to sugar produced prints, palm sugar at this time also began to be developed in the form of powder or crystals. Usually coconut powder sugar is known to the public by the name of sugar ants or sugar crystals. Unlike print sugar in general, texture powder sugar ants make it durable in long enough period of time, ie up to two years without experiencing changes in color and flavor if packed in an airtight room.

Not only that the advantages of sugar ants, there are many benefits contained in the powder sugar ants so many people who begin to consume for the sake of health. Even foreign citizens were willing to compete to import sugar ants from Indonesia to meet their daily needs.

Seeing the market demand is still very high, there is no harm if you take advantage of the gap to bring big profits every month of business opportunities sugar ants.
Target Markets

Now this craftsman home scale sugar ants have started popping up in parts of Indonesia. Several centers of industrial sugar ants are quite famous among others from Banyumas, Banjarnegara, and Lebak, Banten. Not only the local market they are wandering, but some of them began to explore export markets abroad.

Such as last year as many as 380 artisans sugar ants in Banjarnegara certified and every month can produce about 15 tons of sugar ants to subsequently exported to American and European markets. Growers of sugar ants in Semarang also get an order of 200 tonnes per month to be sent to Turkey, there are also businesses sugar ants from Lebak, Banten, which each month sends 20-30 tonnes of sugar ants into the Australian market due to high demand in countries kangaroo ,

Business Opportunities At End of Year

Do not feel we have entered the month of December, which is the last month in the calendar in 2015. With so means that soon we will welcome the new year 2016 its course with renewed vigor, especially in terms of business opportunities that exist in it. Speaking end of the year would be the strongest moments in waiting by many people, because at the end of the year so many discounts that are given by stores such as clothing.
Shopping end of the year clearly become commonplace and many done by some people. But on this occasion seribupeluang have an idea how at the end of this year we get additional revenue rather than expenditure to shop. Businesses or businesses at the end of categorized types of seasonal business, this is clearly because the business is simply nothing we can do at the end of the month november precisely-January, and the peak was in December where the moon is indeed the right moment.

5 Business Opportunity At The End Of 2015
If we look at the time, profitable business at the end of the year is not very long, between 1-3 month course and the most optimal time may be only 1 months. But if we could harness that small time with the right business activities, then we can get considerable income to millions. Later we get the advantage could certainly be used as additional capital or simply to thicken the wallet at the beginning of 2016.
Well for readers who are interested in business opportunities year-end can read some variety of business options following the end of the year, who knows there is a match with all readers.
5 Business Opportunity At The End Of 2015 Profitable
1. Business Calendar 2016
The first business is clearly very suitable on the run in moments like this, the business calendar. Everyone needs a calendar to determine the date in 2016, of course calendar in 2015 is no longer valid so that we use the new calendar calendar 2016. While this is indeed all HP both smartphones and jadul existing feature or a calendar application, still many people who prefer to use a physical calendar, because a physical calendar is more palatable to remember and easier on the mark.
Is also currently the seasons election or promotion of the people's representatives. We can see for themselves that the calendar has become a political tool to purchase the calendar is certainly in large numbers as well, not just dozens, to hundreds or even thousands. Of course, this being the potential business opportunities at the end of the year. Because of this binsis related to the design and printing, you must master both of these fields, especially in terms of design.
2. Providers Business Travel / Tourism
At the end of the year would be the moment in waiting by many people, especially for those who work either as an employee, as a boss and so forth for a vacation at the end of the year. Indeed, in the year-end vacation d need to repel tired during work, of course, be very Packages in need. Sagat at the end of the year holidays many examples, such as the one religious trip to the Holy Land Pilgrimage. And there are many other holidays that are of interest depending on the person himself.
Seeing that we could start a seasonal business on this one. We have to be smart to be a travel agent who offered to cooperate, because many travel service providers who need an agent to help find potential traveler. Therefore, prepare yourself and action.
3. Business Fashion
Have you ever thought if the turn of the year means also changing fashion trends, is not so obvious but gradually it like that. This is clearly a promising business opportunity, because fashion is not only menyangkup end of the year, but also in the year 2016, if you can bring a decent fashion trends at the end of 2015 is certainly quite sold in 2016.
Seeing the development of fashion in Indonesia is indeed a fashion we imitate fashion from abroad, but must be filtered before yes, where fashion style worthy marketed in Indonesia and which are not.
4. Business Parcel
Parcel is a parcel that is not only crowded in the Eid season alone, in addition to the moment of Eid at the end of the parcel is also quite crowded, it's just still lost the moment widths. Nevertheless this should not be at a miss for us who have a true business spirit. Where we have to take advantage of business opportunities and utilize to achieve earnings. Parcel generally given between relatives or business associates, this parcel can also be given by superiors to subordinates in a company. Of course, this becomes binding ties at the end of the year and started 2016 with penih spirit.
5. Business Sales Fireworks and Trumpet
Well this is not a secret anymore if at the end of the year, especially in the New Year's Eve is not impressive if there are no fireworks. The sound of fireworks and the sound of trumpet the voices that we hear most in the New Year's Eve. Bakan feels less complete turn of the year if it is not accompanied by fireworks.
Seeing that we could take advantage of the opportunities that exist, namely selling the trumpets and fireworks. Although this business only lasted 1 month or even less, but the income that we can get quite doubled, especially if the trumpet or fireworks we sell sold.